Dr. Huong Nguyen
Doctor of Pharmacy, nutritionist & certified Ashtanga yoga teacher
You designed and developed TEN TWELVE. What's so new and different about TEN TWELVE
The exciting thing about TEN TWELVE is that it transfers the complex topic of cell health into our everyday lives in an easy-to-use “digestible format”. From the laboratory to the bathroom shelf, so to speak - that's Skin Biology, bottled.
TEN TWELVE is scientifically sound skin care based on cellular research and the latest findings from the scientific community. For the first time, I have transferred approaches from cutting-edge pharmaceutical research into highly effective and innovative care. The series is also designed to be minimalist and sustainable - and thinks about the topic of beauty much deeper than “surface”. And much further than “anti-aging”.
How did you come up with the Skin Biology, bottled concept?
“Regular” cosmetics are concerned with textures and quickly perceived but only superficial effects. Not to mention marketing… I wanted to go further. I have always been fascinated by science and research - especially when it comes to the molecular and cellular levels. That's why I did my doctorate in pharmacy with a focus on cell and electrophysiology. During my research work at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, I was extremely enthusiastic about connecting the exciting field of cell biology with the topic of health and health promotion. This interdisciplinary approach is still completely new.
Do you see skin health holistically?
Yes, and that's why TEN TWELVE is more than the result of my decades of research work and my scientific know-how: The series is not only cutting edge in terms of research and profound effectiveness, it also reflects my holistic approach: inner balance, equilibrium and health for me, yoga, healthy eating, etc. are an inseparable part of today's understanding of beauty. Certainly also inspired by my Vietnamese roots, with their holistic view of health.
You are considered a pioneer with the SMART BARRIER SYSTEM and Skin Biology, bottled concept. What plans do you have for the future?
I'm always thinking ahead. The first goal is, of course, to further expand TEN TWELVE's innovative and sustainable philosophy as much as possible and thereby set a new global benchmark in care at the intersection to holistic health. And to share and live my passion and enthusiasm for contemporary health in the spirit of our 360° care system and our sustainable life cycle with as many people as possible – in the spirit of our planet.